Supplier Code of Conduct

Redwood Technologies Group(“The Redwood Group”)是所有Redwood Technologies(第一个实体测试)的母公司. 1993) and 内容专家 (first entity est. 2005) companies. The Redwood Group includes all affiliates and subsidiaries.

红木集团注意确保其开展业务符合全球各种法律法规,以确保其道德经营, responsible and sustainable manner, with respect to both people and the environment. 重要的是,红木集团的任何供应商都可以证明他们的业务与我们的目标一致. 本《世界杯买球APP》文件列出了红木集团对其供应链中雇用的每个供应商的道德和合规方面的最低要求. 供应商, their affiliates, subsidiaries and employees must adhere to this Supplier Code of Conduct while conducting its business. This Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers, their affiliates and subsidiaries and their subcontractors (collectively “Supplier”).

1. Compliance with Laws:

除了 to the expected behaviours and standards contained within this Code of Conduct, Supplier shall comply with all applicable laws, 规定, 公司开展业务并提供商品和/或服务的所有地区和国家的指令和法令.

2. Labour Practices:

2.1 Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work:
供应商应确保实施并保持有效的政策,以确保机会平等和防止歧视, harassment or bullying of employees in the workplace.
a. 供应商将根据工作要求和个人的适合性和能力招聘新员工, or to train for, the job in question and no other reason.
b. 供应商应确保公司内所有级别的所有职位的招聘流程都是一致的,并且是公平和非歧视的.
c. Supplier shall not in the recruitment process discriminate on the basis of race, 颜色, 民族起源, 国籍, national origin, religion or belief, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别, 年龄, marital or civil partnership status, 残疾, children and/or domestic obligation.
d. 供应商应尊重员工的权利,以决定他们是否希望被任何适用的工会代表并参与其活动.
e. Supplier shall be committed to comply with all international labour laws. 特别是在使用童工方面,并应在任何情况下确保没有16岁以下的雇员。.
f. 供应商应确保所有员工的工作时间符合所有适用的法律,并确保员工的薪酬符合所有适用的工资法律.
g. Supplier shall comply with applicable health and safety laws and 规定, 和识别, 评估和控制员工对安全和健康危害的暴露,确保采取一切措施创造一个安全和卫生的工作环境.
h. 供应商应制定政策和程序,确保员工在工作场所不遭受骚扰, for any reason, including on the grounds of an employee’s race, 颜色, 民族起源, 国籍, national origin, religion or belief, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别 reassignment, 年龄, marital or civil partnership status or 残疾, which has the purpose or effect, whether intentional or not, of violating the employee’s dignity at work, or of creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, 有辱人格的, humiliating or offensive work environment for the employee.

2.2 Prevention of Slavery and Human Trafficking
a. Supplier shall, at all times, comply with the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
b. 供应商应确保其所有分包商对强迫或奴役劳动采取零容忍政策. Specifically Supplier shall ensure that it does not, and the Supplier’s in its own supply chain do not:
1) Eng年龄 in any slavery or servitude or any other forced or compulsory labour anywhere in the world.
2)便利或安排另一个人或人的旅行,目的是让这个人或人在世界任何地方被剥削. Arranging or facilitating shall include recruiting, transporting or transferring, receiving or harbouring, exchanging or transferring control over a person or people.

3. Environment Protection and Compliance

供应商应努力创造再生过程,并尽量减少对环境和更广泛社区的不利影响. Supplier shall ensure it has all proper environmental permits in place to conduct its business, where required. Supplier should make principal environmental commitments to:

a. 确保公司继续遵守当前和未来的环境标准和法规, codes of practice, regulatory controls and Client and insurance requirements;
b. minimise practically avoidable pollution or nuisance that may be caused by our activities;
c. minimise the use of all materials, supplies and energy and wherever possible to use renewable or recyclable materials;
d. adopt an environmentally sound transport policy;
e. minimise the generation of waste and to dispose of unavoidable waste in a responsible manner;
f. consider the environmental implications of change to products, 流程, materials and facilities when business decisions are made;
g. actively promote, where possible, those products which contribute to energy conservation and do not dam年龄 the environment
h. 透过订立及检讨切合实际及可达成的目标及指标,不断改善我们的环保表现;
i. 向员工传达这些环保标准,并鼓励他们参与实现这些目标;
j. provide appropriate resources for the implementation of these standards.

除了, Supplier should adhere to all applicable environmental legislation and 规定, 包括但不限于欧盟有害物质限制(RoHS)指令.

4. Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Supplier shall conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner. 供应商应对腐败和贿赂采取零容忍政策,并承诺采取专业行动, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, wherever they operate, 实现, and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery. 供应商应遵守其经营所在的所有司法管辖区有关反贿赂和腐败的所有法律

a. Supplier and Supplier’s representatives will not make, 提供, solicit or accept any payments or transfers of value, including but not limited to material rewards, gifts or services of any kind, made with the intention of public or commercial bribery, or acceptance or acquiescence in extortion, kickbacks or other unlawful or improper means of obtaining or retaining business, either for or on behalf of Supplier or The Redwood Group.
b. 供应商或供应商代表接受超出客户/商业惯例的礼物的行为被认为既不可取也不道德,并且直接违反了各种反腐败法律, 规则, 规定 and decrees applicable to the respective party (collectively, “Legislation”), including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, as amended (the “FCPA”), 《世界杯买球APP》(以下简称“反贿赂法”)以及《世界杯买球APP》(以下简称“经合组织公约”)下的任何实施立法.

5. 隐私 and Confidentiality and Transfer of Data

供应商将始终尊重和保护其控制的任何及所有机密信息和/或个人数据, 处理或访问并在任何情况下遵守其开展业务和提供商品或服务的所有地区的所有适用的保密和数据隐私法律. 供应商保证其具有健全的机制,以确保遵守本规定和适用的隐私法律.

6. Conflict of Interest

供应商及其代表将一方面避免任何不当行为和供应商利益之间的利益冲突, 和个人, 专业, and business interests on the other. 这包括避免实际的利益冲突以及表面上的利益冲突. 供应商应确保有适当的机制和程序来保护供应商决策过程的完整性, to enable stakeholders to have confidence in Supplier’s integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputation of staff and Directors.

7. Man年龄ment System

红木集团认为,健全的管理体系和承诺是丰富我们供应链的社会和环境福祉的关键. 因此, 供应商应采用或建立管理体系,以履行本《世界杯买球APP》中概述的责任. The man年龄ment system should be designed to ensure 供应商’ operations:
a. Comply with The Redwood Group’s requirements and applicable laws and 规定;
b. Conform to the responsibilities listed in this Code of Conduct; and
c. Identify and mitigate operational risks related to these responsibilities.

Group Operating Companies